To represent the data in Python Programming we require three things:
1)Literals/values, 2)Data types, 3)Identifiers/Variables/Objects
Literals are nothing but input values passing to the program.
For example: Numeric Literals( int, float) , Boolean Literals(True/False), String Literals(“names/words”).
—> All the literals are stored in the main memory by allocating sufficient amount of memory by the help of data types.
—>To process there value or literals stored in the main memory, as programmers we need to give distinct names to the created memory space.
—>Since the distinct names makes us to identify the literals/values for processing and hence distinct names are called “Identifiers“.
—>Programmatically, Identifier value can be changed during execution of the program and hence Identifiers are called “Variables“
—>Hence, all types of values or inputs must be stored in main memory in the form of Variables.
A Variable is an Identifier, whose values can be changed during execution of the program.
All Variables in Python are called Objects.
Behind every object, there exists a Class. Example: class: Car, object: Mercedes
Rules for using Variables in Python Programming :-
1)A variable name is a combination of Alphabets, digits, and a special symbol underscore(_)
2)The first letter of variable name must start with alphabet or underscore(_).
3)Within the variable name special symbols are not allowed except underscore(_)
4)No keywords to be used as variable names because all the keywords are having special meaning to the language compiler.(example: for, if)
5)All predefined class names(int, float, etc) can be used as variables names.
6)All the variable names are case sensitive.(ABC and abc are different)